GridRow Height

Row Height

By default the row height is not limited, there is a minimum row height set via CSS (min-height).

The minimum limit for a row size can be changed via CSS overrides. The default is 48px

Because it's CSS, the maximum row height might be controlled by CSS (max-height), let's try:

Not what we wanted...

The problem when setting max-width is overflow, when the cell's content view height is greater then the maximum width we set. To solve this the global theme comes with CSS helpers to make sure content does not overflow:

  • .pbl-ngrid-cell-ellipsis
  • .pbl-ngrid-header-cell-ellipsis
  • .pbl-ngrid-footer-cell-ellipsis

When applying one or more of the above, when a relevant cell overflows, the overflow content is hidden and an ellipsis is added.

But now the maximum height has no effect, the height can be controlled only through the min-height property.

Using min-height to change the table's row height is not recommended, instead apply the overflow helpers and use cell's to determine heights. This will help avoiding gaps between a cell and it's parent row.

Shlomi Assaf © 2020. Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Version 3.1.4 using angular 11.2.7 and cdk 11.2.6 (hash: ad60966)