Built-in PluginsClipboard


The clipboard plugin adds a "Copy to Clipboard" functionality to the grid by copying the current selected cell/s into the clipboard.

The clipboard plugin depends on the target-events plugin.
If the target-events plugin is not initialized the clipboard plugin will initialize it.

The default behavior of the plugin is to copy the data in the selected cells into the clipboard when CTRL + C is pressed (CMD + C in OSX).

When multiple cells are selected, they are separated by the TAB character (\t).
When multiple rows are selected, they are separated by the NEW LINE character (\n).

Plugin Options

This plugin provides a global configuration group under the name clipboard and local per-instance configuration.

If you're unfamiliar with global configurations and configuration groups, read about it here

Cell & Row Separators

By default the cell separator is TAB and the row separator is NEW LINE but you can change this globally and/or locally.

<pbl-ngrid clipboard clpCellSep="," clpRowSep="\n\n\n"></pbl-ngrid>

Auto Enable

Automatically enabling the clipboard plugin for all grids is configured only through the configuration service.

The following example will use the global configuration service to auto-enable the plugin and define the separators.

  imports: [ PblNgridModule, PblNgridClipboardPluginModule ]
export class MyAppRootModule {
  constructor(config: PblNgridConfigService) {
    config.set('clipboard', {
      autoEnable: true,
      cellSeparator: ',',
      rowSeparator: '\n',
The clipboard plugin development process is used as a case-study in the Extending NGrid how-to page.

Shlomi Assaf © 2020. Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Version 3.1.4 using angular 11.2.7 and cdk 11.2.6 (hash: ad60966)