GridCustom Row

Custom Row

In the examples above (row height, row class) we in-directly update the style and layout of the row.
You can also have a direct impact on the row container using *pblNgridRowOverride.

*pblNgridRowOverride is A directive for quick replacements of the row container component.

When used inside the content of the grid:

<pbl-ngrid [dataSource]="ds" [columns]="columns">
  <pbl-ngrid-row *pblNgridRowOverride="let row;" row></pbl-ngrid-row>

However, when used outside of the grid you must provide a reference to the grid so it can register as a template:

<pbl-ngrid-row *pblNgridRowOverride="let row; grid: myGrid" row></pbl-ngrid-row>
<pbl-ngrid #myGrid [dataSource]="ds" [columns]="columns"></pbl-ngrid>

*pblNgridRowOverride defines a single row and overrides the default row template the comes with nGrid.
There is no point registering multiple templates in the same grid context, the first will win.

Note that *pblNgridRowOverride is a very simple wrapper around *pblNgridRowDef which is used to register row templates for single & multi template configurations.

*pblNgridRowOverride simply forces it's way to get rendered by setting when to () => true so it will always "win" over the default row.
In addition, it provides an interface to register outside of the projected content of the grid.

You can build your own versions of it, representing your logic. In fact, the Detail Row Plugin and the Infinite Scroll Plugin both extend *pblNgridRowDef to allow registering custom row templates.

Shlomi Assaf © 2020. Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Version 3.1.4 using angular 11.2.7 and cdk 11.2.6 (hash: ad60966)