Built-in PluginsTarget Events

Target Events

The target-events plugin add support for mouse / keyboard event.

By default all grid have no support for such events and we can add them in several ways:

  • By adding one of the target-events directive to pbl-ngrid hosts (targetEvents or any other click event e.g (cellClick), (rowClick) etc...)
  • By applying the plugin programmatically to a specific grid or to ALL grids automatically

In addition to mouse / keyboard support, target-events also add focus and range selection integration using the mouse and keyboard. Focus and range selection support already exists in grid but target-events exposes them to the user.

Plugin Options

This plugin provides a global configuration group under the name targetEvents.

If you're unfamiliar with global configurations and configuration groups, read about it here

Auto Enable

To automatically enable target-events for all grids we use the configuration service:

  imports: [ PblNgridModule, PblNgridTargetEventsModule ]
export class MyAppRootModule {
  constructor(config: PblNgridConfigService) {
    config.set('targetEvents', { autoEnable: true });

Focus & Range Selection

Once target-events is bound to a grid, focus and selection support are enable by default.

However, they will not work unless the focusMode of the grid is set to cell:

<pbl-ngrid targetEvents focusMode="cell"></pbl-ngrid>

Or, if we auto-enabled target events globally:

<pbl-ngrid focusMode="cell"></pbl-ngrid>

The plugin is used the ContextApi to support mouse & keyboard behavior, you can read more about the API and working with focus & range selection here.


Shlomi Assaf © 2020. Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Version 3.1.4 using angular 11.2.7 and cdk 11.2.6 (hash: ad60966)