ColumnsColumn Width

Column Width

Width is defined in the column definition's width property, which accepts an absolute pixel value (10px) or relative percent value (10%).

In addition, the properties minWidth and maxWidth can be used to create min/max width boundaries on top of the width by providing a numeric absolute (px) values of can be set (eg: 10).

width , minWidth and maxWidth are optional , a column might set all, some or none, allowing powerful column sizing using multiple strategies.


There are 3 ways to define the width:

  1. Leaving it blank (auto-assigned by ngrid)
  2. px, e.g. 50px
  3. %, e.g. 20%

Width in PX

Setting the width in pixels (e.g.: 100px) is static, the width is absolute and does not change.

Note that if you set a minWidth that is larger then the width, the minWidth wins.

Width in %

Setting the width in percentage (e.g.: 33%) is dynamic, the width is relative to the width of the container.

In this mode the width boundaries minWidth and maxWidth can play an important role in the final width of the column

Automatic width

When a column does not have a specific width set nGrid will automatically assign a width to it.

nGrid will analyze all columns and calculate the width available to all columns without a specific width assigned and produce a single width value that is evenly spread among all columns without a width assigned.

All column without a width will get the same width

In the example below we set the following width's:

Column Name id name email country language TZ balance gender
Definition 50px 25% Blank 35% Blank 30px Blank Blank

We set the width of id and rate to absolute values, name and country to a relative value and 4 other blank columns, without width. If you resize the browser you will see that id and rate remain fixed while name and country and all 4 blank width columns will expand/shrink accordingly.

Let's review the CSS width assigned to each column:

Column Name id name email country language TZ balance gender
Definition 50px 25% Blank 35% Blank 30px Blank Blank
Result 50px 25% calc(10% - 20px) 35% calc(10% - 20px) 30px calc(10% - 20px) calc(10% - 20px)

Minimum / Maximum Width

The minimum width is an absolute value, it is set as a number and represent the absolute minimum width in pixels. Because a column width can not be lower then the minimum width, setting a minimum width will also effect the minimum width of the table.

For example, if we have 4 columns, each with a minimum width of 300 pixels and our table's width is 1000 pixels we will see a horizontal scroll bar because the actual table size is 1200 which is 4 columns X 300px.

The maximum width is an absolute value, it is set as a number and represent the absolute maximum width in pixels. We usually want to set a maximum value when the width is set in percentage (e.g. 40%), this will limit to total width of the column.

When a column reach it's maximum width it behaves like a column with fixed absolute width (i.e. a column with width set in pixels)

Column Name id name email country language TZ balance gender
Definition 50px 25% Blank [minWidth: 250] 35% Blank [maxWidth: 50] 30px Blank Blank

Shlomi Assaf © 2020. Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Version 3.1.4 using angular 11.2.7 and cdk 11.2.6 (hash: ad60966)