ColumnsCell Edit

Cell Edit

Cell editing is supported programmatically (ColumnApi) and through the UI (mouse/touch) using the target-events plugin.

Let's start with a simple example:

The First Render column will show if the row was first rendered or it was already rendered, this is valid for Virtual Scroll enabled grid.
If you wondering what is the [pblCellEditAutoFocus] directive, it is just a simple helper directive that will handle auto-focusing logic of the input element.

Edit Template

An edit template is one of several template types we can attach to a data column.

The edit template acts as the write-only cell view and the main template is the read-only cell view. For cells to be editable they must belong to a column with an edit template.

There is no default edit template, you can use * to define one but the table does not include one like it does for the main template.

In the example above there are 2 cell definitions inside the table that handle the name column:

  • pblNgridCellDef defining the read-only view of the cell
  • pblNgridCellEditorDef defining the write view of the cell.

These are the specific property directives definitions, there are also type based definitions:

  • pblNgridCellTypeDef defining the read-only view of the cell
  • pblNgridCellEditorTypeDef defining the write view of the cell.
<div *pblNgridCellDef="'name'; let ctx">
  <a (click)="ctx.startEdit()">{{ ctx.value }}</a>

The read-only definition is straight-forward, the main change is that we use the cell context to invoke a startEdit() command.

<div *pblNgridCellEditorDef="'name'; let ctx">
  <input #input [value]="ctx.value" (change)="ctx.value = $" (blur)="ctx.stopEdit()" (ngAfterViewInit)="input.focus()"/>

The write only view also make use if the cell context (`PblNgridCellContext) to assign the new value and to exit editing when the input is out of focus.

Cell context

The cell context is used to toggle between write and read view's, i.e. toggle between the edit and main templates.

We start editing by invoking PblNgridCellContext.startEdit() and stop editing with PblNgridCellContext.stopEdit().

An edit template is mandatory. Calling PblNgridCellContext.startEdit() when the column does not have an edit template will be ignored. Note that this is the only restriction.

The editable definition

The column definitions include the editable property, indicating if a column is editable or not. When set to true (and an edit template exists) the cell will include the CSS class pbl-ngrid-editable-cell.

The editable flag has no impact in PblNgridCellContext.startEdit() but it might be used by plugins or by the developer to create editing logic

For example, the directives cellEditClick / cellEditDblClick (target-events plugin) allow simple editing integration that use mouse/touch inputs to toggle editing and use the editable flag to determine if a cell is editable or not.

Triggering edits globally

The previous example was naive, triggering of cell edit for a specific cell. For scale we want to be able to trigger cell edit at a higher level, once for all editable cells.

For this we make use of the target-events plugin that allow us to handle specific cell events in a single place.

This time, clicking on a cell in the lead column will start edit mode.

<pbl-ngrid (cellClick)="$event.context.startEdit()"
            [dataSource]="ds2" [columns]="columns2">
  <div *pblNgridCellEditorDef="'lead'; let ctx">
    <input #cb type="checkbox" [checked]="ctx.value"
            (change)="changeCheckbox(cb, ctx)"

Now we only need to defined an edit template for the cell and let the table handle the click events.
This time we used (cellClick) but we can also use (cellDblClick)

When the checked value changes we use a method to assign the new value and stop cell editing:

changeCheckbox(input: HTMLInputElement, ctx: PblNgridCellContext): void {
  ctx.value = input.checked;
  setTimeout( () => ctx.stopEdit(true) );

Some notes:

  • We use setTimeout to defer the operation because we are probably within a click event which will will start editing right after we stop it.
  • We set markForCheck to true (ctx.stopEdit(true)) to tell the table that something has changed (the editor template is now the read-only template).
We make use of ctx.startEdit() and ctx.stopEdit() without safety checks, some cell's might not have a cell edit template, some might be editing while we call ctx.startEdit() . This is safe because both methods will check that the above conditions are met.

Cell edit directives

Up to this point we've triggered editing using listeners to click events and without using column metadata.

The target-events plugin comes with a directive that simplify the process, this directive will allow edit for columns with an edit template and the editable property set to true.

In this example we've used an advanced editing component, the data picker from @angular/material2 applied on every column of type date, in our case the birthdate column.

We used the cellEditClick directive to apply cell editing when a click event is fired on a cell, for double click we will use cellEditDblClick.

Shlomi Assaf © 2020. Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Version 3.1.4 using angular 11.2.7 and cdk 11.2.6 (hash: ad60966)