ColumnsColumn Sort

Column Sorting

In NGrid, column sorting is the re-ordering of datasource items based on logic and sort order (criterion).

This section covers the basics of sorting, custom sorting and programmatic sorting. For UI reactive sorting (click on header to sort) see the sorting section in the material plugin.

Sort Order

The sort order defines the sort state (on/off) and logical order:

  • asc - Ascending order (start to end, 1 to 10, A to Z)
  • desc - Descending order (end to start, 10 to 1, A to A)
  • undefined - Sorting is not enabled

Sort Logic

The sort logic is where we determine if a value comes before or after another value.

For example, sorting a numeric column will be based on the decimal numeric system. Sorting of a textual column will be based on the alphabet order.

Sorting Function

To sort a column a sorting function is required. The sorting function accepts the column, sort order & data set and returns a sorted data-set, it is the implementation of the sort logic.

export interface PblNgridSorter<T = any> {
  (column: PblColumn, sort: PblNgridSortInstructions, data: T[]): T[];
The sorting function is required for every column we want to sort but there is a default sorting function attached to all sortable column if no custom one attached.

Sortable Columns

By default, columns are not sortable, to enable sorting the sort property must be set on the column definitions:

export interface PblColumnDefinition extends PblBaseColumnDefinition {
  // ...

  sort?: boolean | PblNgridSorter;

  // ...

Note that you can set a boolean or a sorting function (PblNgridSorter).

  • If true is set, the column is marked sortable and no sorting logic is attached to it.
  • If a sorting function is set, the column is marked sortable and the custom sorting logic is stored.

Wether true or a function is set, the sort function used is picked when sorting is applied. This is covered later in "Picking a Sorting function"

Note that defining sort for a column does not activate it, to activate a sorting for a column you need to use the API.

Activating Sort for a Column

Column sorting can be activated 2 locations:

  1. DataSource API
  2. Grid Instance API

Both APIs are similar, with the Grid API adding some sugar on top of the DataSource API.

Let's take a quick look at the DataSource API signature:

   * Clear the current sort definitions.
   * @param skipUpdate When true will not update the datasource, use this when the data comes sorted and you want to sync the definitions with the current data set.
   * default to false.
  setSort(skipUpdate?: boolean): void;
   * Set the sorting definition for the current data set.
   * @param column
   * @param sort
   * @param skipUpdate When true will not update the datasource, use this when the data comes sorted and you want to sync the definitions with the current data set.
   * default to false.
  setSort(column: PblColumn, sort: PblNgridSortDefinition, skipUpdate?: boolean): void;

The 1st signature is used for clearing up the current sort.
The 2nd signature is used for defining a new sort.

The Grid Instance API is quite identical:

  setSort(skipUpdate?: boolean): void;
  setSort(columnOrSortAlias: PblColumn | string, sort: PblNgridSortDefinition, skipUpdate?: boolean): void;

The difference is that we can provide a column id or alias instance of a column instance and the grid will find the instance for us and use the DataSource API to activate the sort.

Sorting Definitions

The 2nd parameter in setSort is the PblNgridSortDefinition:

export interface PblNgridSortDefinition {
  order: PblNgridSortOrder;
  sortFn?: PblNgridSorter;

The sort definitions is made up of:

  • order - The sort order we want to use ('asc' or 'desc')
  • sortFn - The sort function (logic) we want to use (optional)
The sortFn is optional, see the "Picking a Sorting function" for more details.

Picking a Sorting function

When sorting is applied the grid will search for a sorting function in the following order and choose the first match:

  • PblNgridSortDefinition.sortFn
  • The sorting function defined on the sort property of the column definition
  • The default sorting function

In other words, providing a sorting function to setSort will override any sorting function defined on the column definitions. If no function provided and no sorting function exists on the column definition, the default sorting function is used.

The Default Sorting Function

The default sorting function is very simple, it uses the < and > operators to determine the logical order between 2 values. This is applied on all data types.


Aliasing is just another way to reference a column indirectly (i.e. not through it's object reference).

First, let's review the the basic indirect column reference, id:

The id reference

Each column has an id property that is used to uniquely identify the column. The id property is optional, when not set the grid will automatically assign the value provided in prop (which should be unique).

For example:

  • If we set prop to age but don't set id, id will be age.
  • If we set prop to info.age but don't set id, id will be info.age.
  • If we set pro to age and id to age_column, id will be age_column.

In most cases, setting the id specifically is not required, redundant and verbose with no gain.
However, in some cases, you might want to set id if the prop does not reflect a real property (virtual column).

The alias reference

Alias is a property in the column definition (alias) that creates an alias id to the column so you can use it as another reference.

It is very similar to id but:

  • It is not auto populated when not set
  • It is not used by the ColumnApi when searching for a column

The alias property is used to reference column in specific APIs like PblNgridComponent.setSort and PblNgridComponent.setFilter.

In those APIs alias has priority, if set it will be used exclusively in the searching otherwise, when not set, id is used.

Using id entirely, ignoring alias, is possible and will work. The alias property exist to create a clear separation between logical units such as server and client when sorting and filtering operations are involved.

For example, it is useful if you get list of sortable columns from the server which does not match the actual ids of the column like when using dot path notation in prop or when the server sortBy descriptors does not match the column names.

Of course, you can also use id in this case, but alias is more descriptive and logically separated when trying to understand the structure.

Shlomi Assaf © 2020. Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Version 3.1.4 using angular 11.2.7 and cdk 11.2.6 (hash: ad60966)