GridCSS Classes

CSS Classes

Root CSS Classes

Classes applied on the root element <pbl-ngrid>

Class Description
.pbl-ngrid-empty Indicate that the grid is empty (no rows)
.pbl-ngrid-scrolling Indicate that grid is being scrolled
Wrap the respective cell's text and prevent it from breaking to a new line using ellipsis (...).
Apply on the root element: <pbl-ngrid class="pbl-ngrid-cell-ellipsis">

Row CSS Classes

Classes applied on row elements (the container of cell elements)

There are 2 categories of row elements:

1. The Data Row: <pbl-ngrid-row>

Data row, row containing cells from the dataset.
Always comes with the class .pbl-ngrid-row

2. Metadata Row: <pbl-ngrid-column-row> or <pbl-ngrid-meta-row>

Header or Footer rows, above or below the dataset rows.
There are 2 types, both share some of the classes applied to metadata rows:

A metadata row will always have one of .pbl-ngrid-header-row or .pbl-ngrid-footer-row.

You can also match the (visually) first/last header/footer row:

Class Description
.pbl-ngrid-first-header-row / .pbl-ngrid-last-header-row Indicate that the header row is first / last (taking into account the row's type)
.pbl-ngrid-first-footer-row / .pbl-ngrid-last-footer-row Indicate that the footer row is first / last (taking into account the row's type)


There is only 1 column header row and 1 column footer row.
Column rows can be toggled (show/hide)
A column row, if shown is always the closest one to the data rows.

The header column row will also have the class .pbl-ngrid-header-row-main applied to it.


There can be from 0 to unlimited number of meta rows.

There are 2 sub-types of meta rows:

  • Header or Footer meta rows which contain custom cells which are not bound to other cells.
  • Group Header meta row/s with cells that are bound to 1 or more column row cells, creating a group.

A group header meta row will have the class .pbl-meta-group-row applied to it.

Currently, there are no group footer rows, they might be added in the future.

Cell CSS Classes

Classes applied on cell elements.

Similar to rows, the are several types based on the row categories.

1. The Data Cell: <pbl-ngrid-cell>

Data cells are children to data rows (pbl-ngrid-row).
Data cells have the class .pbl-ngrid-cell applied to them.

Each data cell will also include the expression pbl-ngrid-column-COLUMN-ID as a class.
Where COLUMN-ID is the id property of the column it belongs to.
For example, for the column firstName each data cell (of the firstName column) will also have the class pbl-ngrid-column-firstName

2. Metadata Cell: <pbl-ngrid-header-cell> or <pbl-ngrid-meta-cell>

Header or Footer cells, children of column rows or meta rows.
A metadata cell will always have one of .pbl-ngrid-header-cell or .pbl-ngrid-footer-cell.

<pbl-ngrid-header-cell> belongs to the column row.
<pbl-ngrid-meta-cell> belongs to the meta row.

meta row cells that belongs to a group meta row will also have the class .pbl-header-group-cell applied to it.

Shlomi Assaf © 2020. Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Version 5.0.0 using angular 14.2.4 and cdk 14.2.3 (hash: 25f523f)