DatasourceDatasource Factory

The Data Source Factory

In the introduction we covered the basic functionality of the datasource factory.

const dataSource = createDS<Person>()
  .onTrigger( (event) => [] )

We provide a function to onTrigger() that returns DataSourceOf<T> which is a our datasource. The function can return a local collection or call the server to get a collection.

DataSourceOf can be an Array, Promise or Observable.
When creating a datasource, do it inside the class and apply the trigger handler using an arrow function. This will give you access to the class instance.

The factory contains internal logic that controls the trigger, calling it based on the configuration.

Trigger Configuration

The trigger is called when a data update is required by a source, the sources are:

  • Data - The user requested an update
  • Sort - Sort has changed and sorting trigger is enabled
  • Filter - Filter has changed and filtering trigger is enabled
  • Pagination - Pagination has changed and pagination trigger is enabled

With each trigger the PblDataSourceTriggerChangedEvent<TData> object is provided, containing information about the sources for this trigger and any additional information available.

export interface PblDataSourceTriggerChangedEvent<TData = any> {
  id: number,
  filter: PblDataSourceTriggerChange<DataSourceFilter>;
  sort: PblDataSourceTriggerChange<PblNgridDataSourceSortChange>;
  pagination: {
    changed: boolean;
    page: PblDataSourceTriggerChange<any>;
    perPage: PblDataSourceTriggerChange<number>;
  data: PblDataSourceTriggerChange<TData>;

   * When true this is the first emission of data since the last connection.
  isInitial: boolean;

   * The origin of this event, whether it is from a data request or from a custom trigger request (filter, sort and/or pagination).
   * Additional types might be added by plugins.
  eventSource: keyof PblDataSourceTriggerChangedEventSource;

   * Set the total amount of data items.
   * For use with the paginator, update the total length of data items that the current returned source is part of.
   * Use when custom trigger for pagination is enabled (server side mode, in client side mode the length is automatically set)
  updateTotalLength(totalLength: number): void;

Data Trigger

Data is triggered when the datasource is first attached to the grid (unless skipInitialTrigger() is used) and also manually triggered by calling the refresh() method on the datasource.

You can provide an optional value when calling refresh(), this object is passed on as a value and you can access it in the event via

In this example each button will trigger a refresh with a passed parameter, the number of items to return.

Note that we provide a second type parameter to the factory function:

createDS<Person, number>()

This will set the type in the data property of the event. This type is by default T[] so createDS<Person>() is actually createDS<Person, Person[]>()

Sort, Filter and Pagination trigger

Let's review the source for each trigger:

  • Sort - Calling the setSort method on the datasource
  • Filter - Calling the setFilter method on the datasource
  • Pagination - Changes in the paginator event (page, itemsPerPage)

The default behavior is suited for client side mode where all data is available in a single collection. In this scenario the triggers are handled internally because all the information requires is available to the factory.

To enable custom triggering we need to tell the factory which one, during the definition.

const dsCustomTrigger = createDS<Person>()
  .setCustomTriggers('pagination', 'sort')
  .onTrigger( () => this.datasource.getPeople(0, 500) )

This is suitable for remote data sources that return paginated responses (which forces sorting and filtering on the server).

For demonstration we enabled pagination and sorting, but NOT filtering, which will result in a per page filter behavior.

The Event Source

As explained above there are several sources however, we group them into 2 main groups:

  • data - for all events triggered from the a data trigger
  • customTrigger - for all events triggered from Sort, Filter and / or Pagination trigger

We pass this value in the eventSource property which can accepts any value that is the key of PblDataSourceTriggerChangedEventSource

export interface PblDataSourceTriggerChangedEventSource {
   * The source of the event was a data request. Either via `refresh()` or the initial data request.
  data: true;
   * The source of the event was a change in the filter, sort, pagination or a combination of them.
  customTrigger: true;

For now, the only 2 groups are data & customTrigger however plugins and extensions can extend this list and add more sources.

For example, the infinite-scroll plugin adds the infiniteScroll event source which indicates that the trigger for the event was from an infinite scroll action which led to the need to get more rows from the server

Skipping initial update

By default the datasource will invoke an initial trigger once it is created, this is usually preferred.

In some scenarios, usually in server side mode, we want to defer this trigger and call it manually at a later point in time. For example, once we get some input parameters from the user or once other calls finish.

To skip the initial trigger we use skipInitialTrigger():

const dataSource = createDS<Person>()
  .onTrigger( (event) => [] )

Now, the datasource will not fetch data on load and the grid will remain empty until the refresh() method is called on the datasource.

Keep Alive

By default the datasource will be bound to the grid, once the grid component is destroyed the datasource is destroyed.
This is usually the preferred behavior as it automatically manage memory cleanup for the datasource.

We can change the default behavior and keep the datasource around even if the grid is destroyed.
This means that we must destroy the datasource manually or we will experience memory leaks.

This behavior is useful when moving a datasource between grids, e.g. *ngIf

To persist the datasource between grid we use keepAlive():

const dataSource = createDS<Person>()
  .onTrigger( (event) => [] )

Shlomi Assaf © 2020. Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Version 5.0.0 using angular 14.2.4 and cdk 14.2.3 (hash: 25f523f)