GridCompatibility & Browser APIs

Compatibility & Browser APIs


nGrid support all browsers that angular & the angular CDK support.

Browser APIs

nGrid makes use of the following browsers APIs:


The ResizeObserver API is used to detect resize in column width's and react to them by re-calculating the new widths.

The ResizeObserver API is supported in all major browsers, however it is not supported by Internet Explorer
If you require full support or want a polyfill just in case you can use one of the following polyfills:

You can add them to your polyfill.ts file.

There might be more differences between the 2, please read the documentation of each one for more in-depth information

resize-observer-polyfill will automatically detect if the API is implemented and if not will add it so you can safely do:

import 'resize-observer-polyfill';

In your polyfill.ts.

Note the polyfill has built-in type support (d.ts) auto-loaded when you import it, so if you already have types loaded for ResizeObserver and want to keep them, load the polyfill directly without passing through the package.json

import 'resize-observer-polyfill/dist/ResizeObserver';

@juggle/resize-observer does not auto-detect so doing the above will override the native implementation, if one exists.

So you should do something like this:

import { ResizeObserver as Polyfill } from '@juggle/resize-observer';

if ('ResizeObserver' in window === false) {
    window.ResizeObserver = Polyfill;

There are more options for this polyfill, including a demo how to load it async using dynamic imports, read more at the polyfill's site.

nGrid makes minimal use of the API so changes in the final spec should have no effect. @types/resize-observer-brow


The IntersectionObserver API is used for performance.

It allows nGrid to get notified when a row is visible and when it is not.
With this API nGrid can skip a lot of layout reflows and recalculations because it does not need to check if a row is out of view.
This is very important for performance, especially when using virtual scroll.

The IntersectionObserver API is a more mature API compared to the ResizeObserver API, it is shipped with all major browsers for a long time now and comes as part of the DOM type library in TypeScript.

That said, it is not supported in Internet Explorer.

In this case we do not provide recommendation for a polyfill, you can use any good polyfill out there or you can DISABLE the use of the API so nGrid will not use it to detect the changes and instead perform it's own magic for that. This will slightly degrade performance, how much depends on the use case, nGrid instance configuration and features used together.

To disable the use of IntersectionObserver apply the following provider in your application root module:

import { DISABLE_INTERSECTION_OBSERVABLE } from '@pebula/ngrid';

  providers: [
    { provide: DISABLE_INTERSECTION_OBSERVABLE, useValue: true },
class MyAppRootModule { }

Shlomi Assaf © 2020. Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Version 5.0.0 using angular 14.2.4 and cdk 14.2.3 (hash: 25f523f)