beforeRender Event

Event fired on the first render and then whenever the PblNformComponent.redraw() method is invoked.

The beforeRender event is best for:

  • Updating or modifying element metadata and/or visual types.
  • Deferring rendering of the form until an async operation completes.

The event emits an event handler object of type BeforeRenderEventHandler.

BeforeRenderEventHandler contains the record instances (NFormRecordRef) used by nForm and it is where we can alter each instance to change the way it will render or what data it will render with.

The records ( NFormRecordRef ) represent the form controls, we cover it in depth below

Notifying about async operations

BeforeRenderEventHandler is also an API to notify nForm that it should pause all rendering until an async operation finish by providing a promise. The component will not render control until the promise resolves.

Async operations are great for fetching remote data from the server, e.g. populating a selection box, updating the record and returning control to nForm which will now render it with new options added.

This example changes the bmi field rendering type from slider to `number.

We will also mock an async call to a server to fetch 5 more super powers in addition to the 5 that already exist. The mock creates 1000ms timeout which in that time the form will not render.

To reduce noise some form controls are excluded.

Working with async operations requires user feedback (e.g. spinner). The (renderState) covered next is where we can subscribe to notification about the rendering state, paused or not.


It is important to understand the role of the NFormRecordRef class and the relationship between the 3 building blocks of @angular/forms: FormGroup, FormArray and FormControl to NFormRecordRef.

Each property decorated by @FormProp contains metadata defined by the user which the library use to create an instance of NFormRecordRef. An instruction represents a single property and contains metadata about it like the type, how it should look like in a form and more.

NFormRecordRef is used to describe all properties, those can be primitive but can also be arrays and objects. This means that NFormRecordRef can also contain children of NFormRecordRef

When we create a new nForm component the library will use all 3 building blocks of @angular/forms to create a FormGroup instance that match the structure of our model, as described by us using @FormProp.

In the new form, for each form control, FormGroup, FormArray or FormControl there is a corresponding NFormRecordRef instance. The instance is cloned so different forms of the same model will never get the same NFormRecordRef instance, this is important as it is based on static metadata which is shared thus can not change.

If we take a <select> control as an example, it has a list of options to choose from and it is quite common to update the list based on logic or some data source.

It is also common to change the visual type of an element based on some logic.

This is why we create a new set of NFormRecordRefs per form.

Shlomi Assaf © 2019. Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Version 2.0.0 using angular 14.2.8 and cdk 14.2.6 (hash: 7930787)