
Validation in nForm is identical to the validation provided by @angular/forms, nForm is only used to pass-through validation configuration to the form instance.

Note that since nForm uses reactive-forms, validation implementation must be in that style.

Validation is applied on 2 levels:

  • Model level - Provided in the metadata for @FormModel
  • Property level - Provided in the metadata for @FormProp
import { Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { FormModel, FormProp } from '@pebula/nform';

   validators: getValidatorOnTheEntireModel()
export class Hero {
    /* ... */
    validators: Validators.compose([ Validators.min(18), Validators.max(120) ])
  age: number;

    /* ... */
    asyncValidators: aFuncReturningAsyncPromise()
  superHero: boolean;


The required validation is unique because it also validates the structure of an object, additionally required is a common validator, widely used.

For these reasons it can be set using a specific property.

    /* ... */
     required: true,
  age: number;
Setting the property required to true/false will add/remove the required validation so you do not need to handle that in the validation / asyncValidation properties.

Dynamic Validation

The metadata defined in the decorators is static so the validators we define there are static in nature.

For example, if we want to validate a form control input against a server API request, we will need access to services (i.e: HttpClient) and other things not available when creating the metadata.

The validation / asyncValidation properties are not tracked by the change detection, you must update the whole array, mutating the array will not trigger a rebuild of the validation function for the control.

In the following example we define a static numeric validator for the Hero Id property allowing values from 1000 to 999999.

In addition, we dynamically add asyncValidator when the form renders.

When setting the name, watch how the status LED turns to blinking blue, this means PENDING state.
In this example we use the (beforeRender) event which is still not covered.

Shlomi Assaf © 2019. Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Version 2.0.0 using angular 14.2.8 and cdk 14.2.6 (hash: 7930787)