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Interface RouterLoaderOptions

Loader options for the ng-router-loader.

Resource specific options

Some options apply to a resource, the global option serve as the default but can be overridden in a resource URI using query parameters.

Resource specific options are marked with the resource_override tag.

AOT mode

Some of the options apply on when the aot flag is set to true.

AOT specific options are marked with the aot_mode tag.


Webpack 1

   test: /\.ts$/,
   loaders: [

Webpack 2

You can use the query string as well as:

   test: /\.ts$/,
   use: [
        loader: 'ng-router-loader',
        options: {
          aot: true,
          genDir: 'codegen'


  • RouterLoaderOptions



Optional aot

aot: boolean

Enable support for AOT compiled code. If you are bundling AOT compiled code (.ngfactory) set this to true



Optional bySymbol

bySymbol: boolean

Resolve ngfactory modules and verify they exist, if not track the symbol and search for the ngfactory that exports the symbol.

AOT compilation emit ngfactory files only for NgModule, Component and Directive. If a module does not have one of those the compiler will not create an ngfactory file for it.

In webpack it is a common practice to use directories as packages (barrel pattern) having an index file exporting what's needed.

When a URI reference a module (ModA) that:

  • export an NgModule defined in an other module (ModB) and;
  • ModA has no NgModule, Component or Directive defined inside it

The resolved file will "ModA.ngfactory", even though it does not exists. When bySymbol is true the loader will use the metadata in "ngsummary.json" files to lookup the first ngfactory file that exports ModB, it will then use it as the resolved URI.

You can override this option in a specific resource by setting the bySymbol property in a resource query.



Optional debug

debug: boolean

Optional delimiter

delimiter: string

A separator used to identify the NgModule class name in the URI.



Optional factorySuffix

factorySuffix: string

The suffix used by the angular compiler to mark compiled version of source tree NgModule class.



Optional genDir

genDir: string

The destination of compiled files created by the angular compiler-cli. The directory is resolved relative to the current working directory (process.cwd())

When genDir is empty or "." the destination is the project root and factory files are saved along side the source tree.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The compiler-cli takes this value from the tsconfig file @ "angularCompilerOptions.genDir" and resolve the destination with "genDir" relative to the "tsconfig" file. Webpack (hence the loader) run on a different process so it does not know about that "tsconfig". If your setup is complex you need to make sure that the 2 "genDir"s resolve to the same directory according to the logic described here.

The best scenario is when "tsconfig.json" is in the project root and webpack is executed from the project root. In this case the "genDir" should be identical to the "genDir" value in "tsconfig.json"



Optional inline

inline: boolean

If false outputs a pretty code



Optional loader

loader: BUILT_IN_LOADERS | string

The code generator to use when replacing the URI with a callback.

There are 3 built in code generators:

  • sync: The module will be part of the bundle (lazy initializing but NOT lazy loading)
  • async-require: The module will load in a separate bundle, using webpack's require.ensure feature (support chunkName)
  • async-system: The module will load in a separate bundle using System.import

    Note: System.import is deprecated in Webpack 2, will be removed in webpack 3 (https://github.com/webpack/webpack/releases/tag/v2.1.0-beta.28)

You can override the loader in a specific resource by setting the loader in a resource query.



Optional moduleSuffix

moduleSuffix: string

The suffix used by the angular compiler to mark compiled version of source tree modules.



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